Friday, November 14, 2014

Tutorial 1 - update

My project is more related to pulling API programming , I am assign to Yee Siang and Kelvin as my specialist consultation for this final year project. First meeting with my tutor YeeSiang and Kelvin after the break. Updated them with my latest change on ideation of my final year project.

Area of discussion:
- Project Ideation change and Using Processing software for the project

Notes of discussion :

1.  From previous idea 'Artdea' to interactive art project

Initially plan to use Instagram hashtag to create a campaign that require user to share their contents and it changes to # as a key of participation in a data visualisation art project. People contributes their # to create a piece of artwork.

2. Change my project from using # Instagram to Twitter

The reason of changing Instagram to Twitter is because in this case, Twitter is more likely suitable to the project by posting status but not with image. Instagram is toward more to photo social media. And I've observed that Twitter users are likely update their timeline frequently than Instagram user.

3. Twitter API

First step is to study the Twitter API in order to code and stream data from Twitter .
( )

" The REST APIs provides programmatic access to read and write Twitter data. Author a new Tweet, read author profile and follower data, and more. The REST API identifies Twitter applications and users using OAuth; responses are available in JSON. " - TwitterDeveloper

4. Twitter Access Token

Before start to stream , we have to register the application and go to manage application to obtain the key and access token.

Get the consumer key and consumer secret for the code later.

5. how to use processing to fetch twitter API and draw something on screen

Look for processing documentation that people share online. Here's is a blog that i found pretty clear with the tutorial it shared using Twitter4j library .

Here the official twitter4j library webpage and to free download the source.

Agreed action:

1. Look for twitter API documentation online and to fetch data with processing

2. Try basic processing and see what I can do or learn so far.

So far so good.

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