Sunday, August 31, 2014


Today have our pitching idea to our lecturers. And here a short story for my introduction pitching.

As a design student, we always have to think of new idea for every each new assignment.

But how do we find inspiration ? Where do our inspiration comes from?

Is always start from moodboard or stuff that we see and we like online/offline

But the problem is we are open to A LOT information and easily get lost in finding inspiration.
So here comes ARTDea.

Feedbacks and comments from all the panels.

- It sounds more complicated to find inspiration compare to pinterest, user search what they want and user might get lost when using this.
- Two platforms, Installation and website , are too heavy to handle . Is better to scope down the project outcome. 
- What is the reason of the space design for the installation. Need a reason or rationale in the way it presented. 
- Do consider user experience and make it more user friendly of the function and the objective.

My Reflective and agreed actions ,
-  Re-plan everything again and identify the strength and weakness from this project and improve it .
-  Consider to choose only one platform to execute. 

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Artdea Prospectus Plan

What is Artdea ?

Artdea is an art inspirational digital platform.Artdea provides real time updates from the users who contribute their contents through the tag, #Artdea in Instagram. This allows them to exhibit their images, captions and profile together to form a creativity mind map or board. Artdea focuses on art inspiration like typography, illustration, photography, quote and others. This will be able to encourage users to be inspired and in return, inspire others. Artdea is presented in two different media, a web-sharing image platform that allow users to reorder the images on the board for next inspiration and installation which exhibiting the gallery live to public.

During the degree show, Artdea will be intended to be projected live into a digital gallery to exhibit live update content. The installation will acquire everyone with a smartphone involved in the action at the event. The tag will activate the installation and the results will be displayed on the screen. The installation would give users a new way of stimulate creativity by looking at the images that arbitrarily form together from different users around the world. The genres of Artdea are more to art, visual communication, design and explorative.

For the overall duration of the installation is 5 to 10 minutes where users take part in tagging and see the result changing on the screen. Each content will has at least 10 seconds of screen display until the latest update will replace the oldest content. 

Background story of Artdea

In design, idea is the core to come out with a good concept. In these 3
years of experiences as a design student, she realized that the key of
being creative is depends on how we juxtapose the inspirations we
consumed. She used to spend her hours scrolling down and saving
pictures from websites like Tumblr, Weheartit, and Pinterest for ideas
especially by reading the quotes and looking into the visual. From that,
she will form the images into a board and look for a connection to generate an idea.
Besides, she has an interest on reading people thoughts. She is a huge fan of Postsecret book. Postsecret is a community where people share and publish their secrets to the world anonymously. Same with the campaign “Before I Die” board where people write and confess their feelings. This is interesting where it shows that every individual think differently and user contents are such an influential tool to produce a new idea.

In conclusion, she intended to combine these two ideas to create a digital design idea board with user-generated contents. 

Concept Inspiration

The concept of Artdea is to combine pictures from different users to compose a new set of creativity visuals into a board. They could be connected and also abstract. The result may different depend on what user interpret. Artdea is made to make user think creatively and connect the unconnected. Artdea is also a media to share inspiration. Instagram provides the primary source of the content made. Artdea is inspired by picture cards with motives formed to stimulate relations, inspire creativity, and enable semantic interpretation of feelings, perceptions and ideas.

"The Whack Pack offers cognitive exercis- es that challenge assumptions, shift perspectives and help you put things together in new ways. Cards that are imagery based bypass that inner critic, tap into the field of intuition and open new vistas."

 - Nelson Garrison, a certified professional co-active coach and president of Coaching Toys Inc 

"Any image is a great way to spark ideas because it helps makes connections
between random thoughts to create a unique third idea. And because everyone seems an image differently – either figuratively or literally – they are great for people to personalize to their own thoughts and emotions. "  – Andy Eklund, a communications trainer, owner of the Australian consultancy AQUS and author of the blog Creative Streak.

Mission & Aim

The aims of Artdea are to provide a platform for Instagram users to share their images and thoughts on being creative and also introducing a different approach of pursuing inspiration. Through the installation, it also gives an opportunity for users to publish their Instagram photos into a larger screen of exhibition. In addition, it helps to collect and identify the user contents. As for marketing strategies, it can promote the use of hashtag to provide user contents. It helps to drive conversations and understand the consumer’s behavior and their perspective. 


Artdea is relates to interactive media design as it focuses on two different forms of media, website and also installation. Website production integrates several sorts of content such as layout design, user interface, interactivity, audio, graphic and also user experience. Artdea is emphasizing on the user-generated content that relates to content management system (cms). It can enhance the user experience by inviting users to modify the content. The content sharing possibilities is wide. As for the installation, it incorporates different scope of the production such as content, technical, logistic and space design. In conclusion, it demonstrates the designer is capability to work in different medium and differentiate the context. 

Why Instagram?

Instagram is a photo-sharing social media app. Instagram is engaging to amateur photographers who share cool pictures. The Instagram application is designed to make average photos look better. It engages users through commenting, hashtags and likes. It allows users to quickly upload and deliver photos taken on the spot. Instagram launched in October 2010 and in two months later, its community was already reach 1 Million strong.

Based on the graph, users of Instagram have increase dramatically, which exceed Pinterest and Tumblr in just 3 years time. Twitter still holds a peripheral lead with 210 million monthly active users, but Instagram is expected to take the lead in the near future. According to Incitrio website stated, Instagram had more than 200 million active users, which are twice as many users as they had when Facebook acquired the company in 2012 in March 2014 (, 2014) .
Below statistics source are from Maximize Social Business (TOTEMS Instagram Marketing Suite for Brands, 2014)

Instagram Current Statistics:

• 16 billion photos have been uploaded • 55 million photos are uploaded daily • 1.2 billion likes are given every day
• 8500 likes per second

• 1000 comments per second
• Instagram Engagement is 15 times higher than Facebook engagement • 200 Million - Monthly Active Users
• 20 Billion - Photos shared in total
• 1.6 Billion - Likes
• 60 Million - Photos shared every day
• 57% of Instagram users access the site every day
• 35% of Instagram users access the site multiple times a day
• The average Instagram user spends 257 minutes a month on the site • Instagram users are split almost equally between Android and iOS

devices with 50% each
• 43% of accounts post more than once a day

As a conclusion, the statistics show that almost half of the smartphone users have Instagram application in their phone. Instagram platform is suitable for this project because on Instagram now, there are 20 billion shared photos and with 60 million posts a day.


Instagram users of the age of group 18 – 25 years are one of the main targeted audience. Their occupation could be students or working adults. Their common lifestyles are travel, and love taking photos. 

In the example screenshots in table 1, these users have big interest in art and they like to showcase their photos in Instagram like a gallery. These are the potential users for the content sharing in the project and participate in the event. In addition, Internet users of the age group 18 – 25 who like to visit photo-sharing web to seek for inspiration.


How would this benefit the user? The project demonstrates an interaction between sharer and viewer. The sharer can be part of the project and help to promote their art. The viewer could get inspiration
from them. 

Moodboard and sketches

Floor Plan

Designer’s Note

Artdea represent the designer aspiration to enter social media and interactive design advertising industry. Individually, the learning on Artdea portrays the way of the designer pursues inspirations and stimulate creativity. The designer is proficient to learn about collecting data shared from users with social media. It illustrates the designer‘s interest on this social network world.
As the designer has experience in making informative website using Dreamweaver and created installation in a group project as the role of content leader. The designer wised to experiment the data pulling content management system (cms) website and exhibit the project into an art installation. The experiments for the website are adapting new skills such as different language Instagram API, php, and jquery to retrieve data from Instagram. As for the installation, the designer has to handle every scope of the work such as design, logistic, technical and content. The most challenging for Ardea project is that building a user generated content project would be on how to motivate users to participate the event in the right way. In a conclusion, Artdea is an explorative art project that the results is unpredictable and that is what
make connect the unconnected. 


Creative Liberty, (2010). Stacking the Deck: Using Cards and Toys to Enhance Creativity. [online] Available at: ing-the-deck-using-cards-and-toys-to-enhance-creativity/ [Accessed 21 Aug. 2014].

Annotation :
This blog discusses about exploring the creative process and one of the way by using cards and toys to stimulate creativity. There are few panels from different design background that give opinions about this idea. The conversations are interesting and this do support on this research topic.

Create Digital Motion, (2010). Removing the Walls Between Mac Visual Apps: Syphon Beta, Projects, VDMX, Mad Mapping. [online] Available at: http://createdigitalmo- tween-mac-visual-apps-syphon-beta-projects-mad-mapping/ [Accessed 22 Aug. 2014].

Annotation :
This article introduces the software such as Syphon Beta, Projects VDMX and Mad Mapping for project mapping. The article is helpful where it shares the demo video and documentation on the project it making. This can be study as a reference for the installation support.

Event Horizon Audiovisual Services and Consulting on Maui, Hawaii, (2014). Packages - Event Horizon Audiovisual Services and Consulting on Maui, Hawaii. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Aug. 2014].

Annotation :
There is a project called Interactive Instagram Sculpture in the website and it is similar to what this project installation will obtained. It also uses Instagram tag in the action to the event to

Herman, J. (2014). All the Instagram Stats You Need to Know. [online] Maximize Social Busi- ness. Available at: [Accessed 21 Aug. 2014].

Annotation :
This article provides useful of Instagram statistic that describe the

21, (2014). The Potential in Instagram for Businesses | Incitrio. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 21 Aug. 2014].

Annotation :
This website article delivers the potential grow of Instagram in business. The reading helps to enhance the information of Instagram growth in 2014 and exceed the users from Facebook., (2014). Method Cards | IDEO. [online] Available at: od-cards/ [Accessed 22 Aug. 2014].

Annotation :
The website article give an idea on using photo cards as a process to generate ideas, (2014). Instagram Developer Documentation. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Aug. 2014].
Annotation :
This Instagram developer documentation provides Instagram API and permit to register application to get token id for user’s data., (2014). Instafeed.js - a simple Instagram javascript plugin. [online] Avail- able at: [Accessed 22 Aug. 2014].

Annotation :
Discover one of a way to use jquery plugin to get data from Instgram instead of Php. This website shows demo code and tutorial for the documentation.

TOTEMS. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Aug. 2014].

Annotation :
This website provides useful infographic of Instagram
growth and statistic that support in my research topic., (2014). Continued growth on new digital platforms | Viral Art. [online] Available at: ued-growth-on-new-digital-platforms/ [Accessed 21 Aug. 2014].

Annotation :
This reading shows the pro and con of using Instagram as one of the new digital platform to share content with other social medias.


Jones, M. (2014). Instagramers Gallery Opens in Wynwood, Offers $100K for 'World's Best Instagram'. [online] Cultist. Available at: http://blogs.miaminew- [Accessed 22 Aug. 2014].

The Age of Globalization, (n.d.). Multimedia Installation/ Interactive. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Aug. 2014].

The LED Review, (2014). LED Art. [online] Available at: http://www.pinter- [Accessed 22 Aug. 2014].

We Heart It, (2014). MELK. [online] We Heart It. Available at: http://weheart- [Accessed 22 Aug. 2014].

We Heart It, (2014). moodboard - Google zoeken. [online] Available at: http://we- search&context_user=tientje&page=7&query=moodboard [Accessed 22 Aug. 2014].

We Heart It, (2014). Quote. [online] Available at: try/58452672/search?context_type=- search&context_user=ivasubotic&page=11&query=inspire+board [Accessed 22 Aug. 2014].

We Heart It, (2014). D&G. [online] Available at: try/98993864/search?context_type=-search&context_user=fiencoco&page=4&query=moodboard [Accessed 22 Aug. 2014].

We Heart It, (2014). Moodboard . [online] Available at: try/130595665/search?context_type=search&context_user=annevana&query=moodboard [Accessed 22 Aug. 2014].

We Heart It, (2014). A moodboard I created for 'Toast Empire'. [online] Available at: search&query=moodboard [Accessed 22 Aug. 2014].