Thursday, June 12, 2014

Statement Of Intent

TOPIC: Social media campaign

The key idea of this project is to create a hashtag campaign where people is invited to hashtag and share or exhibit their content live into a social platform which is a digital exhibition gallery.

This project focuses on inspiration. It encourages people to be inspired and inspire other. Everyone has his or her unique thoughts and way of thinking which can be inspirational. Therefore, this project is about inviting people to share their thoughts through social media like Instagram with the #NameOfTheProject to exhibit it in digital exhibition gallery like website. This project also given a specific line, which is
“When life gets stress, look for solution”.
The look for solution is open and to fill up by user who participate the campaign. User can be as creative as they can and positive in order to motivate and help other to distress. In addition, is also creating a new platform for people to seek inspiration specifically for a solution.

1.    How people find inspiration

The grow of social media creates a lot of social trend. It is very convenience and fast to share content online. Websites like Tumblr, Weheartit, and Pinterest are the photo inspiring websites more on artistic and designers work. The images that share in the websites are mostly about design, quote image and others. People will re-blog the picture and share it in their blog to inspire other. Sometimes, inspiration can be found by reading quotes. Nowadays, sharing quote image has become a pop culture with the help of social media and camera app. Therefore, is benefit to use social media to create a campaign that share images with user generate content.  

2.    Stress
  The need for inspiring quotes spirit us up from the fact that our live surrounds with so many negatives that can cause bad impact to us. There was a news in George Town last year, where a 20 years old college student suffered from stress and commit suicide. Written in The Star online news,

GEORGE TOWN: A 20-year-old college student, believed to be suffering from stress after having to re-sit six exam papers, fell to her death from the 10th floor of a flat in Tanjung Bungah here” (Yeoh,2013).
“According to Taylor and Stansfeld (1984 as cited in Comer, 2004), adolescents react to events in their life more sensitively and hastily. Therefore, in times of stress they do not know how to act wisely and are more likely to view suicide as the only solution to their problems. “ (Cai-Lian, T.,et al,2011)

Based on the issue, everyone try to obtain an escape or some means to help them better handle with the stresses. Therefore, this project targeted on the subject matter about stress. When life gives stress, what will you do to distress? Through this project, encourage people to share positivity and ways to distress.


Before I die campaign ”

There is a blackboard with written ‘Before I die_____’ I saw last time in Penang Syok guesthouse where people wrote down their thoughts on the board about what they will do before they die. I found it is pretty interesting to read what other people thinking. Somehow is creative. It inspires me to do something that relate to user generate content. 

#100happydays campaign ”

This campaign encourages and also challenges people to be happy in a row of 100 days. User has to register their name and chose a platform to hashtag the pictures and user has to take 100 pictures of their 100 happy days in a row in social media and then they will be rewarded with a book that recorded all the moments they shared after challenge finish. It is interesting and fun campaign to collect user data .


The Idea proposes to use dynamic content to call the hashtag data from social media like Instagram into a website that require a server. The interactive experience is where people able to view their content online once they shared. The project is related to dynamic content, social media, website and digital exhibit gallery which is part of multimedia design study.

There are a few aspects of the research questions:
1.    Is it feasible to create dynamic content and link hashtag data from Instagram?

2.    What make people share and participate the campaign?

3.    How is the final digital exhibit look like?

-       Communicative
-        Networked publics
-       Education
-       Art & Entertainment

-       Website
-       Digital exhibit gallery

      -  There is no audio need to be use in this project now.  


Hardware / Software  :  HTML5 , PHP , API and to be discovered

Time to consume: 3 to 5 minutes

Number of participants : Open to all


1.    Who are them

Target Audince : Young adult
Age : 18 - 25
Occupation : Student and Working adult
Interests :    to seek inspiration
Lifestyles :   Sociable 
Behaviours :  like to share online , active in social network

2.    How are they going to experience / participate it

User has to take picture or video with the caption “ When life gets stress, fill in the blank” and #Distressted, then user could find the content in our website.

How it relates to existing skills and knowledge that you have...

The existing knowledge that I have and relate to this project is I able to create website. As for the skills I have is that I can create different style of website with HTML5 to responsive, parallax or with interactive video. In addition, I have basic fundamental of understanding what is dynamic content and did the prototype in previous project.

How it addresses new skills and learning that you will do...
In this project, I will further research and experiment on the dynamic content where to call the content with hashtag from Instagram API. Besides technical, I have to learn more about website interface and the emotion that my project would like to portrays to audience. I have to study about the digital exhibit. How is the design would fit with my project insight.

How it relates to the Degree essay you are doing...
For my Degree essay, I am focusing on the study of Lev Manovich ‘s book "New Media from Borges to HTML" (2001), Manovich explains the eight definitions of "new media” and one of it is New Media as Digital Data Controlled by Software” where it related to this project about database.


Cai-Lian, T., Teck-Heang, L., Wai-Mun, H. and Li-Chuin, C. (2011). Perception of Suicidal Attempts among College Students in Malaysia. 1st ed. [ebook] Malaysia, p.31. Available at: [Accessed 12 Jun. 2014].

Yeoh, W. (2013). College student falls to her death - Nation | The Star Online. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Jun. 2014].

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Stress in Malaysia - Issue

Today, we walk out of our house early in the morning, the first thing that comes to our head is 
'how do I survive today? '. Today when our friends or relatives ask what our ambition? We actually dont care, what hits our mind the first is we want to earn lot money and be rich. In the current modern world where technologies are sophisticated, living standards are high, we have to be competitive enough to survive. Stress is overloading and over burdening us and some might even choose the easy path-suicidal just to escape the cage. This has to change.  
'Stress is the cause of death in Malaysia'.
I found a few readings about most of all the teenagers live in a stressful live and cause suicide in Malaysia. There are article ,  news , and even study journal that talk about this issue.
Below are the websites that i found for the reading.

source from :

source from :

In this journal stated that "In Malaysia there was a fervent discussion on the issue of 
suicide after two tragic suicide incidents happened in Feb 2011. Two major risk factors were highlighted:- 
- Poor coping mechanism for the stresses of school life 
- The lack of a program to promote good mental health in the country 
Adnan emphasized the rising stress levels in a 
transitional society as the main factor. He attributed the risk factors of the young to the instability felt by teenagers growing up in the context of a society undergoing value changes. The traditional protective factors such as family and religion are no longer in place " 


In this journal mentioned that “According to Taylor and Stansfeld (1984 as cited in Comer, 2004), adolescents react to events in their life more sensitively and hastily. Therefore, in times of stress they do not know how to act wisely and are more likely to view suicide as the only solution to their problems. “ (Cai-Lian, T.,et al,2011)".

Based on the issue, everyone try to obtain an escape or some means to help them better handle with the stresses. Therefore, this project targeted on the subject matter about stress. When life gives stress, what will you do to distress? 
Through this project, encourage people to share positivity and ways to distress.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

54321 Poster

Today we have to present our poster on our chosen topic and idea. 
After the first consultation with my lecturer, I found myself have more interest to do on something about social media campaign with the use of hashtag. Therefore, I go on and do research more about it to present in my poster.

From my poster, 
I get my inspirations from reading quotes on inspire images that shared online in Tumblr and also Pinterest. Then, there is a quote that stop me from scrolling down the page. The quote said " When it rains, look for rainbows" , "When it's dark , look for stars" . This inspire me to do something 
"When it something happen , look for solution ". Where it requires people to share their way of solution to inspire and help other. So i come  out with #LookForSolution. 
The project keywords are to encourage people inspire each other , everyone can be inspirational , share thoughts and solution to other. 
Basically , i want to create a  hashtag campaign where people is invited to hashtag and share or exhibit their content live into a social platform which is a digital exhibition gallery. I want to form a inspirational gallery with all the content i collected from people who participated. 

Project that similar are the #100happydays , #shareMYcokelah and also #Silverstone50. 
As for the heores, I look into way and tutorial to get data from # instagram and also inspiring image websites. One of the major issue about this project is the technical problem on the dynamic content. Based on my knowledge and understanding of dynamic content is fundamental and basic. I have to hard research and self learn on this system part where to get the data from instagram to show in my created platform 

After presentation, I consulted with my lecturer again. 
The feedbacks were my topic lookForSolution , is too wide.
It does not has any subject matter and data visualisation that i want to form.
What pattern do i want to get from the data i collected. 
And she inform me to think for the worst scenario that might happen to my case.

I agreed with the feedbacks that i have to find an issue to talk about. For now is too wide 
and the data might confusing.
What is the issue culture ? What make me want to do this ? What problem i want to encounter ?